persistent headache 意味

  • なかなか治らない頭痛{ずつう}


        labor under a persistent headache:    頑固{がんこ}な頭痛{ずつう}に悩む
        persistent:     persistent adj. しつこい, 根気強い, 頑固な. 【副詞】 be doggedly persistent あくまでも粘り強い. 【+前置詞】 He was persistent in his effort to work out a compromise plan. なんとか妥協案を考えだそうとする努力をあくまでも続けた.
        headache:     headache n. 頭痛; 《口語》 頭痛の種, 悩み. 【動詞+】 bring on a headache 頭痛を引き起こす cause a headache 頭痛を引き起こす The flood of refugees is creating a headache for customs officials. 殺到する難民が税関吏たちの頭痛の種
        headache to:    (人)にとって頭痛{ずつう}の種
        doggedly persistent:    《be ~》あくまでも粘り強い
        excessively persistent:    《be ~》やたら粘り強い
        persistent advance:    続伸{ぞくしん}
        persistent anaemia:    持続性貧血{じぞく せい ひんけつ}
        persistent anemia:    持続性貧血{じぞく せい ひんけつ}
        persistent antagonism:    頑固{がんこ}な反対{はんたい}
        persistent application:    たゆまぬ努力{どりょく}
        persistent argument:    persistent argument 切論 せつろん
        persistent attacking:    persistent attacking 攻め抜く せめぬく
        persistent aversion:    しつこい嫌悪{けんお}
        persistent bombardment:    持続的{じぞくてき}なしつこい爆撃{ばくげき}


  1. "persistent flavor tends to linger on the breath" 意味
  2. "persistent flavor tends to permeate perspiration" 意味
  3. "persistent form of guillain-barre syndrome" 意味
  4. "persistent generalized lymphadenopathy" 意味
  5. "persistent hard work" 意味
  6. "persistent hepatitis" 意味
  7. "persistent hiccup" 意味
  8. "persistent hyaloid artery" 意味
  9. "persistent hypercalcemia" 意味
  10. "persistent generalized lymphadenopathy" 意味
  11. "persistent hard work" 意味
  12. "persistent hepatitis" 意味
  13. "persistent hiccup" 意味

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